I have watched Naruto before with my little brotherI LOVE old school 70's musicI research how to do weird paper folding tricks on the internet sometimes ( i typed in "cool stories" in google and paper folding came up..i've been addicted since)I re-read Harry Potter a lot during the summer when I'm not exercising or on the internetI'm convinced I have OCDI have a box called a Dream Box and i really believe it works!(what you do with it is write your deepest wish on a piece of paper, then put it in the Dream Box and right before you go to sleep and right after you wake up you hold the box and make yourself believe that the wish already came true)I hate feetI can't go one night without my stuffed childhood puppy RexI wish every night at 11:11 and know it worksI hate mascara even though i put it on everydayI read little kid books for no reasonI sometimes think that my friends aren't really my friendsI sometimes feel like the only person on this whole planetI'm not happy all the timeI'm happy most of the time thoughI hate valentines dayI want my friends or family to plan a surprise b-day party for me at least once before i dieSo, there are some weird things about me that I'm sure even my best friend doesn't know! Aren't you all lucky?
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